Part 3
Is this place endless, Cynthia silently asked herself. She hadnt seen it from the outside, as she was unconscious when
the crew had taken her off the shuttle. It seemed like theyd been winding around an awful lot of turns.
"You know, I wasnt kidding about the direction thing. This place could possibly be my worst nightmare come to technological
life," Cynthia told John.
"It confused me at first, too, but little by little you get used to it, and it becomes pretty cool, like a real home,"
John replied with a smile.
"I never really had one of those," Cynthia said softly.
John stopped and looked her in the eyes. "Well, you do now. Or will once we get you settled in."
Cynthia looked back at him. "Why are you doing this? Helping me? My parents brought me up to believe strangers in general
were evil and only wanted to get anything valuable you had and then hurt you and get away. Old-fashioned, maybe, but I still
dont understand why youre doing this."
Johns expression was pure bewilderment. "Cant we just be doing this because we want to help you? Strangers or not, we did
pretty much save your life when we didnt have to, and were taking you in because its the right thing to do."
"Not because you feel responsible?"
John was silent.
"I dont want to be someones charity case or way out of a guilt trip, and besides, you are not responsible for what happened.
It was an accident, ac-ci-dent, okay? As in no ones fault, just an awful mistake?"
John was quiet for a minute. "It doesnt take away the fact that because our ship crashed into your shuttle, now you..."
"Dont have anyone?" she finished for him.
He nodded silently.
"So, Ill adapt, improvise for a while. I have people who, for whatever reason, seem to think Im worth helping, so I might
as well take advantage, right?" she told him cheerfully.
"How in hezmana do you that?"
"Do what?"
"Make something optimistic and positive out of something so frelling depressing?" he asked.
"Lots of practice. No friends and few relatives and no real home, remember? Im very much the glass is half full, trust
me. Its very easy to make depressing into positive if your options are limited," she replied.
"Good point. Ah! Here we are, your new home, not much, but I hope you like it!" John told her.
She walked in behind him, medium size room, a big pile of blankets in one corner, something that looked something like
a pillow, and a couple lights here and there. "Works for me. Long as I can sleep, Im fine." She walked over to the pile of
blankets in the corner, and gave it a nervous look, afraid shed sink through it and hit the floor. Next thing she knew, she
was falling into the blankets, which surprisingly, gave, and strangely, made her bounce a little. Shed never seen blankets
quite like this, which were almost like a waterbed, but she seriously loved it! She looked up at John, who had a mischievous
smirk on his face. "I have a policy about practical jokes, someone plays one on me, they get played, too!" she warned him.
"Ill keep that in mind," he replied with a grin. "So, you like the place?"
She looked around again. "Ive had worse, trust me, its cool. I like it, kind of rugged. Ill get used to it pretty quickly,
I think."
"You normally sleep by yourself?"
"That depends..."
"On what?"
"Sometimes...I dont know where they come from, or why, but I have these awful, vivid nightmares, and when thats happened
in the past, I have to ask my parents if I can sleep on the floor in their room, otherwise, Id be too terrified to go back
to sleep," she confessed.
"Really? These must be bad. That sure sounds bad," John replied. "But what if you have those nightmares here, on the ship?"
"I dont know, I dont know where I could stay if they come back, thats a good point..."
"Well, I might have a solution...."
She glanced up at him. "Yeah, like what? You think someone wouldnt mind having me as a roommate temporarily if they come
"I know for a fact theres someone who would be more than happy to have you, youd be more than welcome, I know it...."
Wait a minute, she thought to herself. "Why have I got a feeling I know what youre about to say?"
"Really? And what is that?"
"Let me have spare space in your room here on Moya."
"Youre psychic! I knew it, somehow I knew it," he told her.
"I dont know if thats such a good idea, Mr. Crichton."
"Okay, first off, Mr. Crichton is my father, Im John, just John. And secondly, being psychic isnt a good idea?"
"Me staying with you isnt."
"What? Why?"
"Aeryn was giving me some seriously suspicious glances back there. What would she think if she wandered into your room
one morning to tell you something about the ship, and found...surprise, me!" she pointed out.
"So, you explain to her exactly what you just did to me, and shell understand."
"What if she doesnt? Or what if she wants me to stay with her or Zhaan? Worse yet, she might think Im making up the nightmares
just to be near you," she pointed out.
"She can be paranoid at times, I admit."
"Thats not what I meant. I think it was more like womens intuition, plus she knows you better than I do."
"What exactly are you implying there?"
"That maybe your interest goes deeper than platonic..." her tone was more a question than anything else.
"Well, thats my deal to worry about, not yours," he replied.
"You know, what I said earlier is a good idea, and so is part of what you said."
"Which part?"
"Telling Aeryn the truth, what I just told you about my nightmares. Im sure she or Zhaan would sympathize and let me stay
with one of them."
"Oh, no, thats not how it works here," John told her, shaking his head.
"What does that mean?"
"Whoever asks to do something first gets the first chance to do it," he said slowly, hoping she would buy it.
"Well, not all of you found out about this at the same time, so I think the others have a right to tell me if theyd like
to help with this too."
"But I just asked, volunteered, so that means I should get the first chance!" he protested.
"Sorry, John. Youll have to do this fairly," Cynthia told him as she walked out the door. She stopped and looked around,
then came back in the room, looking expectantly at him.
"Something wrong?" he asked.
"Ium...sort of need you to show me how to get back to the others. Havent really gotten my bearings quite yet," she admitted
He tried to muffle his laugh, and didnt do too well. "No problem, Im a pretty good tour guide, especially when it comes
to Moya. Follow me," he told her as she walked past her and out the door.
Cynthia followed him through hallways that seemed to go on forever. Then they were back where they started, with the rest
of the crew. Cynthia noticed Aeryn giving her the same suspicious glance.
"Hey guys," John called out, and the crew turned toward them. "Cynthia has something she needs to tell you guys about,
something shes hoping you can help her with."
Cynthia walked about two feet in front of John. "Sometimes I get these nightmares...terrifying...vivid...when I got them
before, I would sleep on the floor of my parents bedroom, I dont know quite where I can take up refuge. If anyone
would be willing to help me, Id appreciate it more than I can tell you."
Zhaan walked forward, smiling. "Id be more than happy to offer you part of my room, child, if you would like that."
Chiana chimed in, "Yeah, anytime, you want, my space is yours to share, no problem. You, Zhaan, and me could even have
a slumber party, if you want...some Earth tradition John told us I calling it the right thing, John?" she asked,
glancing back at him.
"Yeah, thats what its called, Chi," he responded with a chuckle. "Although seeing you three in the middle of one is the
last thing I can possibly imagine."
"Perhaps Aeryn would like to join us in these plans?" Zhaan told them, turning to Aeryn.
"No, I think anything from Earth must be a little too primitive for me, and Im really not up for a getting-to-know-the-new-girl
thing, thanks anyway," Aeryn said, with a glance at Cynthia and John, before walking off.
"Aeryn..." John called out. Then he started in the direction she left, looking at the three women. "Ill talk to her."
Zhaan nodded as John left.
"Im not here five hours, and Im already causing trouble," Cynthia said softly. "Great, really great."
Part 4
Zhaan smiled and put her arm around Cynthias shoulders. "Its all right, dear, really. Its not your fault, Aeryn can be
a bit paranoid and jump the gun at times, and you must remember, shes never had another Sebacean female onboard before...she
may see you as a rival for Johns affection."
Cynthia looked back with nervousness in her eyes. "May or does see me like that?"
Zhaan shook her head sadly. "Only she knows that, dear, so ask her and youll have the answers you seek. In the meantime,
Im afraid I should get back to the infirmary."
"Of course," Cynthia nodded. "I wont keep you, then, Zhaan, and thank you for your gracious offer, I may take you up on
it one of these nights."
Zhaan smiled and nodded. "Id like that. My door is always open." She walked out toward the infirmary.
Chiana gave a short laugh at the expression on Cynthias face. "You dont look so good. Would you like something to eat?"
Cynthia smiled brightly at Chiana. "Actually, that sounds great, Im starving, I just didnt notice it till you mentioned
food. Could you lead the way?"
Chiana smiled back. "Definitely. I could go for something myself. Follow me."
"All too gladly, I couldnt find my way out of here right now if my life depended on it!" Cynthia told her with a laugh.
"Would you mind if I said something that might sound mildly inappropriate?" Chiana asked her.
"Well, I guess that all depends on what it is, Chiana."
"Call me Chi, and its something about you...and John."
Cynthia was silent for a moment. "O...k, I guess, go ahead, Chi."
"I was going to say that I think John would be more than happy to lead you around everywhere until you get your bearings
on Moya," Chiana told her.
"Why would that be at all inappropriate?"
"Because of why hed be doing it, helping you, I mean," Chiana replied.
"Not to be helpful, or out of the goodness of his heart?"
"Well, partially that...a very small part..."
Cynthia looked at her. "Then whats the larger part?"
"Do you mean to tell me you cant see it?" Chiana asked, looking at Cynthia with disbelieving eyes.
"I cant see what? What are we talking about here?"
Chiana looked her straight in the eye. "How old are you?"
"You said you never really had friends or other family other than your parents, what about a boyfriend?" Chiana asked.
"Never. I rarely had time to say two words to a guy, ANY guy, before it was off to space again," Cynthia told her sadly.
"So, you never were able to learn how to read a guys signals when hes sort of into you," Chiana said softly.
"Bingo. If the only guy you ever hang out with is your father, you dont get a lot of practice with your social skills,
if you know what I mean."
"I do, pretty much. I wasnt in the same sitch, but I think I follow you. Well, Ive had some years of reading guys signals,
so Im pretty good at it by now," Chiana told her in a conspiratorial whisper.
"Yeah, so?"
"So I can give you a 100% guarantee that John is crazy about you, in fact, has been since before you met him," Chiana told
Cynthia with a proud smile.
"What do you mean since before I met him?"
"Well, when we crashed, John was the first one to get into your shuttle when we brought it into Moya to try and help, and
while we scurried around to the damaged places, trying to find survivors, I saw him walk into the main bedroom, and I heard
him say something about the bed being undamaged, it having strong supports or something. Then it looked like he was about
to turn around and walk out of there and help us in the other rooms, but instead, he stopped, and looked by the floor again.
He said, Wait a minute, and walked over by the bed, then flattened himself to the floor, and it looked like he was trying
to pull something out, so I came over to help him, and he was pulling you out like you were a feather. When he had gotten
you out, he laid your head down in his lap. You were unconscious. I remember quite clearly, and remember being a little surprised
at this at the time, he said, Its been a while since Ive seen someone like me so beautiful, and he kind of brushed your hair
out of your face. Then he looked up and realized I was there, and kind of shook himself out of the trance, and told me the
bed was really the only thing that had kept you alive, then he put your arm around his neck, picked up your legs and carried
you out of the shuttle to the infirmary, and never moved out of the infirmary until you woke up." Chiana took a breath. "So,
as I said, crazy about you, since before you met him, and he only became more so when you regained consciousness, trust me.
I havent seen him this excited since I first came aboard Moya."
"Well, maybe thats it then, hes just excited by new arrivals," Cynthia told her, trying desperately to hide the fierce
blush that was quickly overtaking her face.
"No, I dont remember him being anywhere near so excited about my arrival as he has been about yours," Chiana teased with
a laugh.
"Well, why do I get the distinct feeling that no matter how glad he and Zhaan and you are to have me here, there are still
other people that arent?" Cynthia pointed out.
"DArgo takes a little while to loosen up around new people. Just give him time."
"Chi, he wasnt really who I meant."
Chiana sighed. "I think I actually knew that on some level. Before you came, John and Aeryn had something going on, it
was actually cool, but complicated, you know the whole "last of the species" thing, I guess they figured since they were so
much alike, there wasnt anything else to choose from, or at least thats how it seemed in the beginning to me, but it wasnt
like that, really, after a while. But, if John is happy and excited because of you, then Aeryn will have to deal with it.
Youll just have to give her time, too. Then, depending on what happens with the three of you, either dont worry about it or
sleep with a knife under your pillow, thats pretty much all I can offer you in the way of advice. Any other questions?"
Cynthia laughed. "Not really, not right now."
Chiana gave a little giggle. "Good, because Im starved, and were here!" She led Cynthia into the kitchen. "By the way,
now that you can call me Chi, what can I call you? Does Miss Cynthia London have a nickname or something shorter that she
goes by?"
"Just Cyn, simple, short and sweet," Cynthia told her with a smile.
"Well, see! We have something else in common besides our current surroundings, we both have nicknames that are three letters
and start with C!" Chiana finished with a laugh. "I know I seem crazy, and I probably am, but when youre out in space this
long, what the frell else are you supposed to do?"
"Just so long as you dont go the insane crazy route and kill us in our sleep, its all good as far as Im concerned," Cynthia
told her with sarcasm edging her voice, which made Chiana laugh.
"Nope, thats not me, but it could be Rygel, if you have something he wants badly enough."
"Well, then, I dont have anything to worry about for a while because I dont have anything, much less something hed want,"
Cynthia replied with a heavy sigh.
"You know, I almost forgot to ask you, this life of yours youve been describing, it sounds like it involves an awful lot
of loneliness and traveling...what do you do?"
"Im a singer."
Chianas face held recognition. "I knew your name sounded familiar when you first said it! I think I heard you sing once
before! Dont you mostly sing love songs?"
Cynthia laughed. "That would be me. Theyre my favorite, and I can always sing them from the heart, and theyre usually bigtime
crowd pleasers."
"They were when I heard you. You had a really beautiful voice. Im guessing you still sing, could I talk you into singing
just a little bit for me?" Chiana asked her.
Cynthia smiled brightly and nodded. She took a deep breath and started to sing, "I dont know what was happening or where
my mind was, but somewhere along the way, I fell in love. I was touched by your genuine heart, and now I never want to leave
your arms." She opened her eyes, which shed unknowingly closed and looked at Chiana, who looked dumbfounded as she said, "Wow!"
"I would agree with that assessment."
Cynthia whirled around to see John standing in the doorway.
Part 5
"John!" Cynthia exclaimed. "When did youum...I long have you been...standing there?"
"Long enough to hear you go Celine with an amazing set of pipes. Were you going to tell anyone besides Chiana what it is
you do?" John gazed at her questioningly, without sounding harsh, just curious.
"No one else asked me yet what I do except Chi, and she asked me if Id sing for her, so I...did. Its really no big deal,
no lying, deception, treachery, etc. Thats not me, thats not what I do. Im a bad liar," Cyn told him.
"How long have you been singing for?" John asked.
"I cant even remember when I first started. My parents told me I was singing almost before I was talking. You know how
most babies coo before they form words, and they just make noises?"
John nodded.
"Well, not me, apparently, I was going up and down the scale, with perfect pitch, or so they exaggerated to me, pretty
much since Ive been able to breathe," Cyn finished with a laugh. "So in answer to your question, I have no specific idea of
how long Ive been singing for, except all my life."
John nodded again. "Well, I can understand why youve been able to do it this long, people must love listening to your voice,
and watching you sing, well..." he cleared his throat, mumbling, "thats not really a bad thing either."
Cynthia flushed and turned back to Chi. "Whered you say the food is again?"
Chi laughed and said, "Oh, no, Im not getting you out of this. Ill make us both something. You and John" She
finished with a mischievous smile.
Cyn tossed her a dirty look. "You know this is coming back to you later, right?"
Chi said nothing and went to make something. Cynthia turned back to John. "So, Celine? Whos that?"
John laughed. "Just a female singer from my planet with super powerful pipes, won lots of awards, became one of the most
successful female artists of her time, and you pretty much just put all of her #1s to shame with that little demo."
"Yeah, right. She sounds a great deal better than me. Im too young to have won anything," Cyn pointed out.
"Well, it took her time, too. Thats all you need, is time, then everyone in this galaxy and every other, mine included,
if were anywhere near it, will know your name and your voice, and fall in love with you, trust me," he told her gently.
She looked at him, surprised. "You really believe that? You believe in me that much? You barely know me."
"I know enough," John replied with a smile. "Youre gentle, strong, modest, incredibly sweet, more talented than pretty
much anyone Ive ever met out here, charming in a completely innocent way, naive in an, never mind that one."
Cynthia looked confused as she asked, "Why? Something wrong with my being naive?"
For some reason she couldnt fathom, John was suddenly blushing.
"Did I say something wrong?" she asked.
"No, no. Not you. But I was about to say something that I really...shouldnt."
"You werent going to say shouldnt there at first, were you?" she asked him, without really knowing why she was doing it.
John looked at her, clearly surprised at the question. "Uh...actually, no, I wasnt...but how did you know that?"
She looked as perplexed as he did. "I dont know. I just did. What were you going to say?"
"To finish my sentence from earlier, you mean?"
Cynthia nodded.
"It wasnt you that said something wrong, I was about to say something that I really...wanted to, BUT shouldnt," he admitted
with a sigh.
"Well, should or not, if you want to say it, say it. What harm can it do?" she pointed out with a shrug.
"A lot. Too much. Theres too much that could happen, that I want to happen...that cant happen...if I say it," he told her,
trying desperately to avoid actually telling her what was going on inside him at that moment: his heart and mind waging a
war against each other, and him, for once, or so it felt like, completely defenseless, and not knowing what to do here, and
wanting to tell her so much, and not being able to, all at the same time. But wait, she was walking closer to him...why? Godso
Cyn looked up at him, seriousness clear in her beautiful brown eyes. "John, sooner or later youll say it, and its probably
not even going to be that big of a deal anyway once you do. Besides, whats meant to happen does, I believe that. So, the only
things that matter arent the things that could happen, arent even the things we want to happen, unless we MAKE them happen.
The things that matter are the things that will happen, unless we prevent them, or dont see them coming. So, factor that in
before you say whatever it is you obviously need to say, all right?"
He looked at her, astonished. "Thats pretty deep and philosophical for someone that looks so young. 21, right?"
She nodded. "So, whats it going to be? Are you going to tell me or forget you ever thought it in the first place?" She
shivered as his crystalline blue eyes met hers and locked.
"I want much, Cyn, but I dont know if I should. Hell, I dont know if I can get the frelling words out of my mouth!"
he sighed with frustration. Then looked down at his hand, where Cyn had just rested hers on top of his, then met her eyes
She still shivered at the intense emotion she could see there. "Try," she whispered. "If you want to that much, there has
to be a reason, whether it should be said doesnt matter if you feel it needs to, John, then do it, please."
He nodded in agreement. "Okay. Hell, youre probably right, youre probably going to think its stupid once I say it, anyway."
Cyn nodded and smiled at him softly. "Okay, say it."
He looked at her as he said, "I was telling you all the reasons people have to fall in love, and I was saying you were
charming in an innocent way, and naive in an incredibly..."
Cyn nodded. "Go on, its okay..."
He looked at his feet for a moment, then shifted his gaze back to focus completely on her. "You are naive in an incredibly
sexy way, not to mention completely beautiful."
Cyn started blushing fiercely and had to turn away from him...only to see Chi standing there with the food. She looked
incredibly uncomfortable. "Maybe I should go..." she started to head for the direction she came from.
"Thats ok, Chi," John replied. "Im the one who should go right now, I think." He walked up to stand next to Cyn, and whispered
in her ear, "Well talk later, right?"
She nodded and then turned again to watch him walk out. She heard Chi squeal with excitement behind her. "Did I not tell
you, girl? The guys got it bad."
Cyn sank into a chair. "Yeah, well, Im not sure thats good. Aeryn will want me dead if it goes too far. Shouldnt I keep
my distance?"
"I cant blame you for being afraid of Aeryn," Chi admitted. "But the reason shes so paranoid is because, like me, she kind
of senses what he feels for you. Shes been on guard since he carried you onto the ship. I dont know, maybe she could feel
him kind of slipping away from her. But honey, its not your fault. You dont control what he feels; he does, if even he can.
The question here is how do you feel?"
Cyn looked at Chi and shook her head. "Confused. I wish I knew more about him, other than that I can trust him with my
life, and that hes sensitive, gentle, strong, has feelings for me, is incredibly handsome, intelligent, modest, trustworthy,
and...come to think of it, that sounds like a lot that I already know, but I dont know anything about where he came from,
what he did, what he likes, doesnt like..."
"He likes you, honey," Chi pointed out. "And obviously, you like him back. Why cant that be enough to make you want to
"Thats just the problem, Chi. He was trying something with someone else before I showed, and obviously it was working out,
or Aeryn wouldnt be nearly as upset with everything to do with me as she is," Cyn told her with a sigh.
"Aeryn and him have their problems going on now, yeah, but those are THEIR problems, Cyn, whether you caused them or not,
that doesnt matter. You have to rely on what your heart is telling you, since you strike me as an extremely ethical and moral
person. Is your heart telling you to try to make something work with John?" Chi asked her.
Cynthia was silent.
"Keep something in mind, sweetie, you can lie to me and say whatever you want, but you cant lie to yourself," Chi pointed
Cynthia looked at her, and then looked at her feet. "I know. But like I said earlier, Im a bad liar, so even if I tried,
youd know it...but in answer to your question...yes, my heart is telling me to try something, anything, with John. Something
right and true, and something is telling me he wouldnt offer anything other than that anyway. But I want to try, Chi...and
that scares me," she finished, looking at Chi with fear in her face.
Chi reached over and hugged her. "I know, Cyn, I know."