Ethereal Chorus
PG 13
Moya is mysteriously trapped within an anomoly in space
when she has been attracted to what she thought to be another Leviathan and the crew experiences parallel dimensions that
include more versions of themselves and Moya.
She stood poised, gazing
down at the dark rocks far below. It was a drop of death, a small pebbel falling to the canyon below as if to emphasize the
danger of what she was doing only moments after the boy had failed and fallen to his death. If she didn't emit just the right
tone, the sound net would not activate to catch her. She raised her arms and turned, allowing herself to free fall as she
saw the stalagtites above. The sensation of the fall swept over her. The cool cavern air around her as the edge she droped
from raced farther and farther away. She eased out her call gently, a sense of calm in her near trance concintration as she
plummeted down.
Chiana opend her eyes, waking up from her dreams with the sound of her tone still drifting through her as she sat up. She
felt as if something were urging her but she couldn't place her finger on it as she dressed. She wondered absently if it was
just something in her dream she missed, something about herself in those moments she had taken the stone.
She made her way to central command, gazing out over the stars in the portal screen as she pondered. The sense was still
there as she began to wake up more, like she was missing something or maybe it was trying to reach her. She felt as if the
sound was still there as she gazed out at a massive constellation of gases traced with silvers and flaring gold reds. Suns
beamed with brilliance within the swirls and wash where spreads like ocean waves in fosforecent particles exploded in wings
like a rose bloom only to dissapate and dwindle. Streaks like lightning stormed through the galaxy like constillation.
"Pilot," she awed as she drew closer to the screen. "What is that?"
"I don't know," Pilot blinked up from the clamshell.
Chiana turned, her lips gently parting as she looked to Crichton standing at the command helm.
"I didn't realize you came in," she narrowed her eyes, comming around him when he didn't answer her. She looked to the
passage way as Zhaan stepped in, a surreal sensation comming over her, as if she were still dreaming.
Zhaan paused before the portal screen, gazing up as if she were hearing something that seemed strange to her as Aeryn and
D'argo stepped into the chamber. Chiana's eyes widend on D'argo as he looked around himself like a lost cub. He looked almost
transparent. Crichton and Aeryn looked only slightly more tangible than he did.
"What's going on?"
She reached out to D'argo, her gloved hand slipping right through him. She jerked around, looking to Aeryn as she stepped
right past her, through her hip.
"It's in space," Crichtons voice came around her as if he were walkin in a circle around her as he spoak though his form
stood at the helm, turning to Aeryn. "So there has to be something about it that we can understand. Maybe it's a planet being
formed or just some kind of freak storm."
"Look at me John," Aeryns voice came as if she were close enogh to Chianas ear that she grasped it. "I'm a prowler pilot.
I've skimmed past dwarf stars that didn't frighten me as badly as this thing does."
"Woe, Aeryn. Afraid, doesn't sound good comming from you."
"Then take me more seriously and try to get us to pull away from this thing."
"I can't," Crichton shook his head. "The others..."
"Crichton," Chiana eased to the helm and tried to gain his eyes. "Crichton! Hey, can't you hear me?"
Crichtons brows creased, his crystal blue eyes turning to her unseeing as he slowly eased out his hand as if he were at
least trying to touch her. She tried to take it, clenching her fist when her hand went straight through his.
"Frell!" She cried out in fustration, swinging her fists as she twirled away. "Can any of you hear me? Aeryn, Dargo?!"
"Chiana?" Zhaan gaped as she looked around herself almost blindly. "Chiana, I can hear you - you've got to-"
Chiana felt a brilliant flash of light as if it were surrounding her from within her own mind. She felt as if she were
racing through it like a StarBurst and screamed out her fright. She jolted, finding herself in her room as her out cry seemed
to literaly circle around her and then rise into Moyas cieling as if someone were moving in that direction before it dissapated.
She ploped down on her bed, looking over her room aprehensivley before she laid back with the strange sensation she was laying
back into her own body. She felt near to sleep when someone grasped her ankles.
"Hey!" She shouted as she slipped out of bed from thier pull and grasped her sheets to try to hang on. The sheets came
with her as she was dragged into the hall and down the corridor by unseen hands. She planted her hands on the floor, the dragging
stopped as her feet were released and ploped down. She blinked slowly, looking up as Crichton stepped into the hall. He frowned
down at her as he scratched at his eyebrow.
"You want to tell me what the frell is going on?" She asked as she came to her knees and tilted her head at him. "Or am
I having some realy strange dream?"
"Well you're laying in the middle of the cooridor, is that strange?"
"It is if you just got pulled out of bed by nothing that was there," she spoak quietly as she looked around herself. "I
- I thought Moya was in trouble with that energy mass in space."
"I - right," He nodded slightly as he snapped his fingers and then smacked the ball of his fist into his palm.
"Are," she cut her eyes to him, beggining to have a strange feeling. "Are you sure you're alright?"
"Never better, Pip." He spoak with amusement as he pointed his finger to her chest and then flicked her nose when she looked
down. "Gotta get some things done. Maybe you should try laying back down or something."
"Right," she nodded as she backed away. "Whatever. Just ah - pretend I wasn't even here."
She shook her head to herself as she came into central command to gaze once again into the portal screen. The mass was
still there. It seemed closer now, brilliant with light and movement as what looked like silver sheets of flame twisted out,
leaving behind where it had disapeared a sillouette of shimmering light. She turned her head to her shoulder as she pressed
her comm.
"Zhaan. Are you seeing this?"
A brilliant light flashed. Chiana twirled away from it on instinct and came into a crouched stance, finding herself staring
at Zhaan in the tier. Zhaan sat cross legged in front of the brilliance of the constellation. It seemed as if it were all
around them, sounds like thunder rumbeling through Moyas hull as she quietly chanted to herself.
Zhaan turned her head slightly, her eyes searching worridley as her brows creased with the unsureness that lined her intricate
"Zhaan," Chiana knelt in front of her, tilting her head as she dared to reach out to her in curiosity and touched her shoulder.
Zhaans hands came to the sides of Chianas head. She held her gently but firmly as she touched foreheads with her.
"We're on different plains," Zhaans thoughts drifted through her mind. "Chiana, you've got to reach the right
one and convince Moya to StarBurst. She wants to go into the field."
Chiana gaped as she grasped her wrists.
"Me? Why, Why not you?"
"You are the only one who is jumping the plains we are in and I can't reach it. She must not go into the field!"
Chiana gasped, feeling as if something snatched her by her stomach.
Zhaan pulled away from her and looked deeply into her eyes beneath her brows. A silver light seemed to surround her, illuminating
her blue and gold speckled flesh.
"Chiana, hold tightly to me!" Zhaan cried out as the light consumed her, spilling around Chiana though she did not feel
blinded by it.
She grasped for Zhaan, feeling the same sensation of being raced through the light like a starburst. She moved her hands
down, searcing for solid ground to plant them on. It seemed like an eternity for her hands to reach down in front of her in
the brilliant silver. She began to feel cool flooring slip past her fingers, sliding down smooth, cracked stone as the light
began to swirl away from her. Her knees came down, the light still brilliant within her mind behind her eyes as she closed
them. She felt almost sea sick in the wild images that raced through her mind and behind her eye lids. She saw with the perfect
realness as if she were looking apon it in true life, a lake surrounded by mountains. There was mist rising over the water.
Clouds brilliant with boiling fire and artic lights filled the sky over it like a horrible storm. She swallowed hard as the
vision swept over jagged peaks of crystals reflecting the lights in the storm and down to the waters edge where stood a single
tree, massive and ancient apon a mound of roots that had rises and depths it could have taken her days to explore. In them
were cave entrances, shadowed by the massive limbs that streatched out as far as the quarter of a mile. The naked, leafless
tree was as huge if not larger than Moya. The only sign of life apon it were thousands of tiny purple buds, no larger than
a pinky nail. She refused to move from the solidness of the stone floor, her body trembeling until hands came to her and urged
her to rise.
She looked up with careful ease, a sense of awe washing through her fear as her eyes met what looked almost like the same
tree beyond. It was in the darkness where the stone edge dropped into the nothingness. The tree seemed to follow it down forever,
not in any true sense of form but as a powerful, artisticly designed gathering of lights, fires, electrical currents and masses
of energy.
Zhaan let go of her and dropped to her knees. She crossed her hands in front of her breasts, lowering her head as she began
to chant near into a point of sobbing as tears raced down her slender cheek bones. A small particle of light came towards
them emmitting a high pitched tone. It expanded into a wide band of waves, its tone drawing deeper the wider it got. It curved
itself around Zhaan, repeating her chant in her own voice. Her chant then seemed to whisper from every where as various tones,
vibrations and sounds came from small particles of light that gathered around them, drifting from the tree.
Chiana spread out her arms, awing at the brilliance around her as many of the particles collected together and began to
sing perfect tones within the others in Zhaans voice.
"What is going on?" Chiana barely breathed as small sparkles surrounded her, several of them repeating what she said in
perfect voice. She whirled her head to the sound of a distant scream of horror. It began to draw closer, rising out of the
depths below like the scream of a woman in terror and rage at the same time. Chiana grasped her ears at the piercing pain
that stabbed into them, her eyes shooting up to the huge shaded mass of a reddish wing of light as it raced high above them
in a mass of screams and then twisted like a flame into the tree where it seemed to explode into a wash of fire. It was followed
by a wash of small particles that sounded near to chimes and the shattering of glass as they came swirling through the depths
and then scattered out among the other particles. She jerked away as a light exploded in front of her making a deep vibration
like a tuning fork and then shot away. In thier place sat Rygel with his stubby hands over his eyes, screaming. Chiana knelt
to him, taking his small hands and tilted her head to her shoulder as she gazed into his eyes.
"Take it easy Froggy you're alright now," she stated as she glanced to Zhaan who sat poised, tranced in her feverent chanting.
"Zhaan said Moyas got to pull away from this thing."
"Are you farbot!" Rygel nearly squealed as his brows lifted high like sharded antennas. "If you haven't noticed we're not
on Moya. If she leaves now we'll be stuck here!"
"Do you have any suggestions on how to get back?"
"Not a clue," he muttered, his brows faltering as he looked down. "If we don't do something, Aeryn has convinced Crichton
they should leave. I have tried everything, I even tried biting thier frelling hands off and they can't hear or see me!"
"Great," Chiana muttered as several particles gathered around her and began to chuckle and sing in tones of her own voice,
interluded by a flaring red that swooped past Rygel in his own scream. "It's like were stuck in some kind of recorder or something."
"Don't look at me," he waved his fingers at his sides with a solemn look into her eyes. "It's frelling confusing. Ask Zhaan,
this should be right up her alley."
"Yeah," Chiana smiled lightly though her eyes were filled with solemn fear as she looked to Zhaan. "But I don't think she's
exactly present at the moment."
"The sounds are associated to colors," Zhaan muttered as she slowly swept her hands over her head and lifted her eyes to
the tree distantly. "You must find the right tone that causes the light that brought us here."
"What did you say?" Chiana nearly chuckled as she raised an eyebrow as she half stood. "Since when did light travel the
same speed as sound?"
She didn't answer, returning to her chants as Chiana eased closer to the edge and gazed down into the dark depth the tree
spindled down into.
"I'm willing to try anything," Rygel muttered saddly. "If we stay here we shall starve!"
"Well, we can't just be stuck here." Chiana glanced at him and then turned her attention to trying to see what was far
below. She looked up but the limbs of the tree forested away any ceiling, consuming what ever was above into a realm of color
and life until it was as if she were looking into the brillance of cut stones. She let out a gentle hum, her eyes brightening
with curiosity as many of the particles began to collect around her and emit the same tone, gathering together into a larger
spectrum when they began to match. When she stopped the spectrum shot away.
She turned her head to her shoulder, staring off into the bolts of lightning that shot down the trunk of the massive form
as she shifted her feet and let her arms rise away from her. She thought of the stone, the way the pebble had fallen, the
jarring of the sound net. She could remember the way she had felt believing Nerri was dead, the wrath that had lurked within
her with no great villans to lash it out on. There was nothing to go to, no one had even listened. Part of her had not believed
his death but the emptiness she felt for him had seemed to of just expanded like a dark dred. She had felt her heart twinge
and pull at that place within it were he was held, not finding some whisper of him there to tug back from the fine strand.
It was like someone had lashed her open like she had to take out the blue chip and then shot her with thier pulse rifel in
cold blood. Taking the stone had been like that shot, oddly enough though it also felt like it had revitalized her own life.
She wanted to live, she always had but she wanted to face the fringes of that reaper who seemed to take people away from her
and then leave her behind with the open wounds where they had rooted and flowered so deeply in her own spirit. She wanted
to close the wound, maybe even, catch a touch of Nerri in that fine border line between living in life and living with death
as the final result of it. So everybody dies, she wanted to do something more than just survive when they did. Somehow, defy
the figment bastard that took Nerri away... show him how she felt about the depth of the loss in her life... retaliate and
maybe even challenge the unseen with a gentle streatch of her finger tips to touch whatever places he must have gone. Maybe
death would take her too, she had to know.
"What are you doing!" Rygel cried out as Chiana streatched out her arms further and stepped closer to the edge. She turned,
gazing up at the spectrum above as she began to fall back.