The Sentient
PG 13
The crew encounters an unusual alien life form that uses their psyche
and who knows what else to procreate new life spawn.
Moya came out of starburst, drifting through space that was filled with long silver strands of some kind of substance glowing
with light. Many of the strands branched and curved, some as thin as a dime while others were greater around than the leviathen.
Moya brushed against them as she moved, thier touch soft even among the larger ones, the smaller pushing aside as she passed.
"Pilot?" Crichton commed. "What is that?"
"I have no idea," Pilot spoak through a view screen clamshell. "It would appear to be living matter."
"Can we starburst out of it?"
"I'm afraid not," Pilot blinked as he tilted his head over his helm. "These strands could damage Moya and they go beyond
sensor range in every direction."
"Well we starbursted into it, let's just starburst back into the same direction."
"Moya is unable to do that either, Crichton. The strands have closed in on us within the last half arn. What ever it is
it has captured us. I am attempting to maneuver through until we are clear."
"Great," Crichton sighed heavily as he rose up from gazing over the helm in central command. "Universes filled with space,
and we have to run into the briar patch."
She felt the sensation
wash through her as a gold glow enveloped her. It was orgasmic, deep and explosive. She gasped as it washed through her form
in exctasy, taking in her breath as it left her feeling completely exhausted. Her eyes opend slowly as she sat up, realizing
she wasn't in her quarters but somewhere in Moyas two curving prongs that tailed her starburst.
"Pilot?" She commed but no answer came. "Pilot..."
She stood, gazing around herself with a slow blink in drogginess and the residual essance of the photo-gasim she had felt.
She wanted to be aprehensive, everything around her seemed so surreal but she felt only comfort, as if it were surrounding
her from Moyas walls. She moved, feeling somewhat thick and slow as she began to make her way back.
She saw the young Nebari form laying curled on the floor only a few yards away and stepped to them swiftly. She knelt,
searching over them with her head jerking left to right as she placed her hand on their shoulder.
"Are you alright? Wake up, what are you doing here?"
"I - I don't understand," the Nebari tried to sit up and looked around herself. "Oh no. This can't be..."
"You're telling me."
"You don't understand, I'm Pilot! I - I still feel connected to Moya but I - I'm in Chiana?"
"That's what I was about to say, " She tilted her head. "I'm Chiana, why do you look like me?"
"Then, we have not been switched of our bodies again..."
"Not if I'm still me," Chiana smiled wryly to herself. "But what the frell? Am I dreaming this?"
"No," Pilot struggled to move, his Nebari legs useless to him. "Not if I am aware of this as well. Can you help me back
to my chamber, I want to see if my body is still there."
"Sure," Chiana took one of Pilots arms and wrapped it around her shoulder, helping her form up as she wraped the other
around Pilots waist. She tocked her head to herself. "This ought to be a trip."
slammed the tool down on top of the table with fustration, her hair folding around her intently strained features as she pursed
her lips at D'argo as he entered the docking bay.
"You did it again!" She glared angrily. "How many times must I ask you not to frell with my things?"
"I don't think I understand."
"Of course not, how could you," she exasperated. "It must take a Kutiran jack hammer to get through that thick skull of
yours. I traded dearly for these parts for my prowler and you have taken your last one from me for what ever you and John
decide to frell up around here trying to fix it. I want my matrix transformer back and I want it back now."
"So you just naturaly assume that I took it," Dargo sneered at her. "For your information I haven't even been on this tier
within the last fifty arns and I have not touched anything of yours after the last fit you pitched like a little child."
"A child!" Aeryn barked. "Look who's talking, always pushing your weight around and giving commands like any one of us
would actualy follow your orders."
"I would expect something like that to come out of the mouth of a Peace Keeper, " Dargo charged, narrowing his eyes from
beneath his brow as he took a step closer to her. "Maybe what I should do is nock the dren out of you so that you may recall
a womans place!"
"A womans place?" Aeryn balked with a laugh, then glared at him from beneath her dark brows. "A womans place!"
"I think you heard me," D'argo seethed as he began to aproach her.
"You're frelling farbot," she glared at him as she stepped away into a stance. "Don't come any closer D'argo, I'm warning
"Traitor to your own kind, I should have done this a long time ago!"
Aeryn pulled out her pulse pistol swiftly, cutting her eyes at him as she raised it to his chest level. She swallowed hard,
blinking her eyes several times.
"D'argo, don't make me shoot you, please."
"Oh you won't shoot me," he seemed to muse coldly as he unsheathed his qualta. "Is that right Pilot?"
"Pilot?" She clipped sharply. "Pilot, what the frell is going on?"
"Aeryn Sun," Pilots voice came over her comm. "I would expect you to figure it out."
"Figure out what, Pilot." She spoak more gently, her eyes drowning in solemn confusion.
D'argo suddenly laughed as he rested his qualta against his shoulder and kicked over her stand of tools.
"We want you to get off this ship. All of us..."
Rygel stopped
in the middle of the hallway he was gliding through, his brows raising high at the sound of a hollow echo sounding through
the walls.
"Who is it?" He asked fearfully. "Who's there?"
He turned his glider around, his breath sucking in as his eyes settled apon a creature that towered at eight feet. It was
huge, human like but green, long legged and pot bellied. His head was like a frogs almost, only boar teeth like tusks jutted
out of the sides of his large mouth. Tenticles like D'argoes hung from the sides of his head to his jaw line. The only thing
he wore was a tattered, filthy loin cloath.
The creature narrowed his muddy red eyes as he held up a cone shaped cage just large enough to fit Rygel in.
"Me gets," He growled deeply. "Me, wants!"
"It can't be!" Rygel squawked. "You - you can't be real!"
"GROG!" The creature bellowed as he planted down one of his large feet and the halls echoed again. "Grog, WANTS!"
Rygel screamed, turning his throne around. He pushed it into maximum speed, screaming again as the creature pounded one
foot after another in chase of him.
"What the...?" Crichton
creased his brows deeply as he eyed the portal screen in central command. The strands blipped out and on screen came a black
and white of a ship at sea being attacked by a giant squid. "Pilot, do you see this? It's the 'Thousand Leauges Under the
Sea'. How - where did this come from?"
"Isn't it a beautiful creature?" Pilot asked from the clamshell. "Don't you think so, Crichton?"
"Pilot," Crichton shook his head in disbelief as he glanced around himself. "It's a movie, a movie from Earth."
"Yes, I know. It is being transmitted from space, to us. You do not like the creature?"
"Uh..." Crichton moved away slowly as he thumbed his lips. "Yeah, Pilot, but it's eating the ship... doesn't that frighten
"It does seem rather unusual for the species, why did it not simply choose an easier quarry?"
"Because - humans like to watch scary movies." Crichton began to back slowly out of command, holding himself very straight.
"But that's all it is. No one is realy going to get killed, it's just pretend, to entertain. Pilot, are those strands going
to let us go?"
"Yes, of course, where are you going?"
"Look, turn - the visual- off. Listen to me for a microt. I think what ever is out there is using this to communicate with
us. If it was, wouldn't giant squids eating ships be a little scary to us?"
"No, I don't feel it is trying to scare us. Why would you ask such a question?"
Crichton nodded to himself and made a swift retreat, making his way to Pilots chamber.
Pilot gazed up from his helm as D'argo turned at the same time from where he stood in front of the massive helm.
"Crichton," they both stated at the same time.
"Crichton," D'argo persisted as he aproached him. "Explain to Pilot that we must go to that planet. I did recieve a transmission
from Jothi whether or not Moya recieved the transmission herself!"
"I cannot return to a planet that is not there!" Pilot explained tensly.
"I think our problems are bigger than that, " Crichton stated. "I was just at central command, Pilot, having a conversation
with you about the threads we have starbursted into."
"Intercoms are not functioning," Pilot tilted his head in wonder. "Nor are the clamshells and I have been unable to hail
anyone for the last arn and a half. We have starbursted into a field of strands but I have not been able to tell you that."
"Yeah, I kind of figured that when you thought the giant squid was cute," He waved a never mind on explaining that to Pilot
and looked to D'argo. "I think we better find the others. What ever we're in it's frelling with our minds."
dashed into Pilots chamber, setteling a pulse rifel on Pilot as she paused long enough to catch her breath. Sweat trickled
down her brow as she aimed.
"Turn the frelling heat off or I will shoot, Pilot!"
She flinched, turning her aim on Crichton and D'argo. She began to move at a wide birth around them, narrowing her eyes
on D'argo.
"I - I thought I shot you D'argo..."
"No, I've been in here trying to get Pilot to go back for my son, but Crichton says we've starbursted into something that's
frelling with us."
"Aeryn, " Crichton eased towards her cautiously, looking intensly into her eyes as he tilted his head. "The temperature
has not changed. I was in command and a movie from Earth flipped on the portal. Something out there is doing this to us."
"You said you wanted me off the ship too, " She narrowed her eyes on him with a hurt look. "But I can't leave if Pilot
won't even allow me near my prowler."
"Aeryn, you are free to come and go as you please, " Pilot rested his eyes on her solemnly. "I have been trying to restore
communications through out Moya as well as restore various system failures but none have involved the temperature. Moya feels
that this field of strands we are trying to maneuver through is a sentient life form."
"We don't want you off the ship, okay?" Crichton spoak gently as he placed his hand on the rifel and lowered it. "Pilot,
could the system failures be this thing frelling with you and Moya?"
"Yes, Moya and I are experiencing some confusion due to excessive frequencies in these strands. I believe an attempt is
being made to communicate with us but it is much too complex even for Moya and I to decipher."
"Help me!" Rygel screamed as he padded into the room through a Drd access, pushing his throne in front of him. "He's after
A sound boomed through the hull as Grog entered. He screamed, swinging a large club at the group. Aeryn, Crichton and D'argo
fired as they scattered out. The creature collapsed as the pulses slammed into his dull green body. His cone shaped cage rolled
towards Rygel as he fell.
"Who ordered Predator?" Crichton snorted.
"He was going to eat me!" Rygel squawked as the creature began to fade away. "It's a goblyn from my homeworld. They're
supposed to be extinct!"
"They still are," D'argo chuckled to himself. "You were afraid of that?"