Luna Suprise
Tropical Artist
HAIR: Silver and Long
EYES: Violet
HEIGHT: 5ft 10in
WEIGHT: 120 Lbs
Guarded, opinionated, take charge, vulnerable, doesnt like people knowing that about her. Shes been hurt so look out dont
get too close she bits. Can be mercenary at times.
DEFENSE: Pulse pistol, martial arts. What ever she can get her hands
NAME: Luna
AGE Undetermined
RACE Lenisban (Last of her kind)
destroyed them. Luna was captured and tortured for experimental purposes. She escaped. Her right arm badly scared from the
torture she endured.
Luna finds herself on a desolate cold planet in her mind she thinks; at least Ive escaped the Scarrens. I must find shelter
before I freeze. She sees a cave. As she makes her was toward it. She sees a bright explosion in the sky. About then a streak
of light shoots across the sky towards the mountain range in the distance. "A ship," Luna says quietly to herself. "I'll have
to wait till morning to check it out." Luna seeks refuge in the cave. She is still cold but it is bearable.
Mean while a small ship has landed near some mountains. It is John Crighton looking very disgusted.
"I can't believe this, I am frelled." John says as he kicks a stump and hurts his toe. He yells frell to the top of his
lungs. But the wind is singing its own chilly song. John walks shivering in the cold. It seems like he's been walking for
"It's gonna be sunrise soon." John says. He can see the first rays of light reflecting off the snowy ground. "The wind
has finally died down, the cold is almost bearable." John says to himself.
About then he sees a cave. "Oh ya, now I find shelter, I've only been walking all nite." John says to himself as he sadly
looks to the sky and wonders if he will ever see Aeryn again or Moya and Pilot or the rest of the crew for that matter. John
enters the cave. He sees a fire burning. He looks around sees no one and wearily sits down to warm himself.
Luna re-enters the cave with her arms full of wood. She sees John sitting by the fire, startled she drops the wood grabs
her pulse pistol and fires at him. He dodges the blast and rolls behind a rock and pulls out his pulse pistol.
John starts yelling. "I'm not here to hurt you. I was just warming myself by your fire."
"Who are you???" Shouts Luna.
"I'm John Crighton, my ship is out of fuel. I had to land on this God forsaken planet." John said.
"Look, I'm laying my pulse pistol down. I mean you no harm." John says confidentially.
Luna looks at him suspiciously and says. "Slide your weapon over to me slowly."
John does just that. Luna is still pointing the pulse pistol at him as she picks up Winona and puts it in the back of her
John says sarcastically. "So you gonna shoot me or are you gonna put that thing away?"
Luna relaxes a little bit and puts her pulse pistol away. John sits back down to warm himself by the fire. Luna observes
John from a distance. Still not wanting to get to close. John notices some cooked food.
John says. "Do you mind," gesturing toward the food?
"Sure, go ahead." Luna says.
John utters. "Do I even want to know what this is that I'm eating?"
Luna smiles and says. "No, you don't, but you won't be hungry anymore."
John says. "So how did you end up here?"
Luna says with hatred in her voice. "Scarren's decimated my planet Lenisba, they took a few of us to experiment on. I am
the only one who managed to escape but barely. I am the last one." She says sadly as she looks at her arm and its deformity
from one of the Scarren's tortuous experiments.
John says. "I'm sorry for your people and what they did to you."
Luna says with strength in her voice. "Don't be, I'm alive and I will someday make the Scarren's pay for their evil deeds.
If it takes me a life time."
Luna looks deeply into Johns eyes and says. "So what about you?"
John says. "You and I have a mutual enemy in the Scarren's. And well the rest is a long story. I just need to get back
to Moya some how. Before the Peace Keepers find me."
"Peacekeepers!!!" Luna said loudly. "Did you cause the explosion in the sky last nite??" Luna said excitedly.
"Ya that would be me." John said looking intently at Luna.
"Anyone that can cause so much trouble is ok in my book." Luna said.
"I have to find a fuel source for my ship." John said.
"If you do will you take me with you. You can drop me off on some habitable planet somewhere?" Luna asked.
"You help me find fuel for my ship you can come along." Said John.
So Luna and John go on their search for fuel. Unknowingly to them they are being followed.
John asks Luna. "Do you smell something?"
Luna looks at John and says with a look. "Well it's not me."
As they continue to walk down the snow covered path. John looks around knowing he smelled something. As they continue to
walk the bushes move behind John. But he does not see or hear it. Though he senses they are not alone.
John touches Luna's shoulder and whispers. "We are being followed and I smell that stench again."
Luna with her hand on her pulse pistol starts looking around. From one of the snow covered bushes jumps a massive black
fowl smelling creature right on to John's back, knocking him to the ground. Luna fires at it. The creature backs off and starts
circling them. With razor like claws and drool dripping from its large mouth of teeth and gleaming yellow eyes, it lets out
a loud piercing shriek.
"John are you all right." Luna said with anxiety in her voice as she keeps her eyes on the creature as it continues to
circle them.
John gets up and brushes himself off and says. "I'm ok but now would be a good time to give me my pulse pistol back."
Luna gives it back and says. "It sounds like it is calling out for reinforcements."
John says. "I have an idea, if we start running it will be forced to come after us before the others arrive. When it chases
us we stop and turn and fire at the same time."
"That's your plan?" Luna says sarcastically.
"Do you have a better idea?" John says.
"Well no, it just sounds like suicide to me." Luna said with a look.
"If we do nothing we die if we do something, we at least have a chance." John said.
"Let's get to it then." Says Luna.
John and Luna make a run for it. The creature chases them its almost on top them. They can hear its feet pounding in the
snow behind them. They both stop and fire at the creature. It falls to the ground howling in pain. John fires one more blast
to finish it off. It lays dead blood seeping into the snow. With pistols still drawn John and Luna continue their search for
a fuel source keeping a constant eye out for any more creatures.
"That was close, that thing almost had me, I still have its stench on my clothes." John said sniffing the air.
Luna half listening says. "Look will this work," as she looks at an old tree with liquid pouring out of it.
John tastes it and says. "This might work. It's the right consistency it seems to have the properties of a fossil fuel."
"So we might just get off this planet after all." Luna says with a smile.
John now half listening. "Yep we just might." As he lets the strange tree sap pour into one of the several collapsible
buckets they brought.
"Let's head for my ship and see if this stuff works." John said.
John tells Luna not to say a word. He's spotted his ship and its surrounded by peacekeepers.
"I have an idea." Luna says. As she starts walking toward the peacekeepers before John can stop her.
"Hey boys whats going on?" Luna says in her most provocative voice. Pulse pistols drawn the peacekeepers guarding the ship
surround Luna. As there attention is drawn from the ship. John sneaks over to it. And fuels up his ship with the sap concoction.
Hoping that it works.
"Where did you come from?" Said one of the guards suspiciously.
"Oh, I was just out for a walk." Luna said batting her eyes.
"Well, your gonna have to come with us." Said the guard.
Luna cracks a smile. "I don't think so." She spins around and kicks one of the guards and knocks him to the ground. She
is grabbed from behind by another guard and flips him over on his back. And she yells. "JOHN!!!"
"I'm almost done keep them busy." John said horridly, as he fuels up his ship.
In the mean time Luna runs up a tree and turns a flip in mid air while doing this she pulls out her pulse pistol and starts
firing at the 3 guards still standing. She hits one he falls to the ground. The others start firing at her. Shes hit in the
shoulder she falls to the ground. Luna is still firing at the 2 guards. They still haven't seen John by the ship. John walks
up behind the 2 guards and smashes their heads together. They fall unconscious to the ground.
John walks over to Luna. She is holding her shoulder.
"Are you all right?" John asks.
"Yes, it just grazed my shoulder. I'll be fine." Luna said wincing a bit.
John helps Luna up and says. It's time to see if this bird will fly.
They hop into the ship. John pushes some buttons and turns some dials and says. "Keep your fingers crossed." Johns ship
sputters at first but it makes it off the ground. Through the window John and Luna watch the icy planet get smaller and smaller
until it is just a dot in the vastness of space. Now the task at hand is to see if Moya has returned to look for John.