"I just can't believe this," D'argo muttered.
Chiana gaped out at the five Moyas they began to pilot past in row of each other. As far as they moved more Moyas came
into thier view. They remained silent as D'argo continued along almost a dozen more. It seemed like some were missing along
the line, yet others looked like they were beggining to fade and disapear.
"That must be why we ended up on the planet," Chiana awed as she glanced from them to D'argo. "They're starting to deteriorate."
"Maybe the variation was unstable," D'argo suggested with a nudge of his head to a Moya alive with light in a starburst
that was not comming. "It looks like the ones that try to starburst are falling apart."
The last Moya they finaly came to was directly over the constellation mass where what looked like a whirlpool of burning
clouds was directly under it.
"She's stuck," Chiana noted with a blink as she leaned forward with the exitement she felt. "Can you get us in?"
"I can try," he grimanced as he brought the pod up high and then dove down towards Moya into a docking bay.
Chiana barely waited for them to land when she had the hatch open. She stepped out into a bright dock. Everything looked
fairly normal. She turned at her shoulders to look to D'argo as he stepped out and pressed on his comm.
"Pilot, is anyone else here?"
"D'argo," Pilots voice came back and Chiana twirled around D'argo, laughing as she grasped his forearm. "Chiana, I am very
suprised to hear you."
"We're here," D'argo breathed through his flaring nostrils with a seething smile as he walked with Chiana towards central
command. "Who else is on board?"
"Crichton and Aeryn. Are you alright? We have been searching for you as well as Zhaan and Rygel. They are still missing."
"Yes we're fine. Have Crichton and Aeryn meet us in the central command."
"They are already there."
"Yeah we been watching these leviathens explode into nothing when they
starburst," Crichton snorted as he wrapped his big arms around the hug Chiana gave him. "And there is a planet."
He turned to the control helm and drew his fingers into it, eyeing the portal screen as the whirl pool like raging fires
for clouds came on screen.
"Down there," He nudged his head to it. "I'm not sure about what you were told by that imaginary me, Chiana. Moya did think
there was another leviathen here but we've been able to figure out that what ever it is she was attracted to it's down there,
through that and that's where we think the others are."
"I checked a few of these miraged Moyas," Aeryn spoak up as she sat down and droped a food cube into her mouth as she looked
to them with raised brows. "But I got frelling tired of meeting myself."
"Yeah," Crichton snorted. "These light entities or what ever they are have had a little fun with us too."
"So are we going in?" Chiana asked as she drew closer to the portal to try to catch a glimpse of the dark brown and swirling
red planet through the eye. "I - I know where to look. There was a lake with a giant tree, I don't think you could miss it
even if this planet was as big as Rygels ego."
"I think it's just a little smaller than mars," Crichton muttered as he looked to her. "The problem with this hole is that
it is holding Moya in position and starbursting out may not be such a great idea with the gasses this thing has clouded in
it. I'm not so sure once we got down to the planet we could get back out either."
Aeryn flinched, grasping the table as Moya was suddenly consumed by light that sent a thundering bellow through the hull
like an explosion. Crichton held tightly to the helm, looking to D'argo and Chiana as they were thrown to their hands and
"And I don't think we have a very long time to try to get to them."
"That is the unstable gasses?" D'argo stated more than asked as he helped Chiana rise with him.
"It's another Moya trying to starburst," Aeryn said as she stuck another food cube into her mouth and chewed on it with
her eyes blinking, glancing around herself in frightened irritation.
"Every time they starburst, we get a little jolt of it." Crichton finished as he ran his hand through his hair.
"I can do it," Chiana spoke quietly as she stepped closer to the portal again, gazing out at the planet in wonder of it.
"I can get them out..."
"Chiana," D'argo sighed.
"I got out didn't I?" She asked as she looked to him though the fear in her eyes was clear and sparkeling. "I should go...
to Zhaan."
"To Zhaan?" Crichton eyed her. "You mean, to one of the Zhaans on the other ships."
"That's exactly what I mean," Chiana stated as she turned to leave. D'argo stopped her, taking her upper arm gently but
firmly as he looked into her eyes.
"Do you know what you're doing?"
"Not likely," Aeryn muttered as she tossed a pulse pistol up into the air and Chiana caught it. Aeryn seemed to smile as
she stood. "I'll take you to the third leviathen down. I saw Zhaan there. You have to be careful, some of the ones that look
like us aren't very niece."
"Are you sure you want to come?"
"Or stay here and wait for when one of these ships pop and Moya explodes?" Aeryn stated cooly as she walked passed them.
"It's frelling nerve racking."
"Maybe you're just thrown into
the moment, Chiana." Aeryn spoak softly as they came out of the pod. She looked to Chiana with worry lining the edges of her
sharp eyes. "I mean, think about it. You believe that these things have been transporting you every time a ship tries to starburst.
When Zhaan linked with you, you were both carried into the same place possibly for the very same reason. What makes you think
this Zhaan could link you to the real one and carry her and Rygel back here?"
"Because I know how I'm supposed to get there," Chiana said as she moved passed D'argo towards a cargo bay in the leviathan
they had come to. "And if Zhaan could carry me, then she could help me get there and then carry me and Rygel back."
"Are you sure they are even stuck there?" D'argo asked. "Maybe they are already on yet another Moya."
"I don't think so," Chiana muttered more quietly, pausing as she heard something shuffeling in the bay and Aeryn raised
her pistol to it. "I don't realy know what to think but when I was there, I felt like that tree was alive. Maybe it was calling
Moya, in her own tones or something."
"Sure," D'argo nodded slightly as he came beside her. "But calling Moya intentionaly? Why would it do that? You're suggesting
this thing is sentient. How would it know which one is the right Moya?"
"Beats me," she shrugged. "For all we know we could be on the wrong side."
"What," D'argo creased his brows as he followed the sounds of the shuffeling until they stopped behind several crates and
unsheathed his qualta. "Of the vortex? Are you now suggesting we starburst into that?"
"What if it's a wormhole?" Chiana asked as she gave him a side glance.
"If it were a wormhole it has completely vomited on itself," Aeryn retorted as she shifted her positon to the same area
D'argo was looking. "I cannot see how anything could actualy exist here."
"So maybe the wormhole is stuck in demensions," D'argo sneered a smile. "Then it wouldn't matter which side of it we were
Aeryn winced her eyes, shaking her head before she looked to him. "What?"
"No," Chiana shook her head as she glanced between them. "If it was like that then the monster would be trying to destroy
this to get it out of the demension it's in right?"
"Look," Aeryn sighed. "The problem isn't what it is or why but how to get the frell out of here with everyone on board.
I still think my first suggestion should have been followed, that we starburst away and see if everyone just returns as easily
as they dissapeared. We could always starburst back to this same location if it didn't work."
"It would seem more than one of yourself keeps trying." D'argo commented as he shifted his qualta to rifel and aimed it
at the crates.
"I'm not the only one," she muttered. "Zhaan too. How would this work exactly if we couldn't be sure if any one of you
were the real one? You could still be just the image of D'argo. The farther these mirrored Moyas drift apart it seems like
the more solid they get but none of us or Moya are exactly the same, some of them aren't even like us at all. I seriously
doubt we have to rejoin with every last one of the Moyas because they seem unable to exist when they get too far away from
this - thing."
"She wouldn't have to rejoin with all of the other Moyas," D'argo stated. "Not if we aren't the ones who are stuck."
"Unless it's like quick sand in space," Chiana suggested with a small smile.
"Oh!" Aeryn gasped with exasperation as she slammed her eyes shut. "Just - stop talking to me. There is no way we can get
out of this by what, pulling this frelling mass of dren into a right demension because that's what you think it is. Let's
just grabb the others and get the frell out of here."
She moved ahead, stepping backwards into the cooridor, her eyes unstraying from the crates the noises had been comming
from as D'argo and Chiana followed her. Chiana cut her eyes to her as she raised her pistol to her shoulder.
"Just how bad are the others on this Moya?"
Chiana flinched as the crates came crashing down and someone came leaping over them. It was herself but the Nebaries eyes
were crazed, a strange look on her face as she landed crouched in front of them. She stood, leaning back from her shoulders
with her legs wide apart, an arm thrown out behind her as she raised a pulse pistol with a tilt of her head and pointed it
at Chiana.
"Suprise!" She laughed in a rasping voice and fired.
Chiana ducked, rolling into a tumble down the hall and jerked her head up from her hands and knees. Aeryn fired back and
hit the crazed Chiana square in the chest. The Nebari became consumed by veigns of light as they raced over her like growning
roots. Her form faded inside of them until the strands swirled together and then vanished.
"You shot me!" Chiana gawked as Aeryn picked her up by her upper arm and urged her down the hall.
"You'll be back," Aeryn narrowed her eyes as Chiana glanced back and fourth in grunts of protest from the hall to D'argo
following behind.
"But - but if they're kinkoid why are we going to this Zhaan?"
"Next one could be worse," Aeryn stated as she let her go. "Would you like to search all these ships to find one to your
Chiana paused, bowing out her arms as she tilted her head at Aeryn, her eyes wild.
"Frell yeah! I'm not going to this Zhaan, no frelling way!"
"Suit yourself," Aeryn grunted as she continued down the hall. "I'll just shoot her first and then we can go find you a
niece, safe, passive little Zhaan."
"You're going to shoot Zhaan?"
"Trust me. I owe this one."
"Oh you just want me to change my mind," Chiana smiled as she crept up to her again and tilted her head nearly into Aeryns
shoulder. "Is that it?"
"I think the key words were niece and safe being associated to Zhaan." D'argo smirked. "I doubt you would find one even
if she were a thousand Delvians."