"Is it safe to come in?" Chiana asked as she peered around the doorway. "It sounds like hezmana in here."
"C'mon in Pip," Crichton motioned to her. "Join the party, you bring any wierd creatures with you?"
"Just myself," she beamed a smile as she helped the Nebari Pilot struggle into the room on wobbeling legs.
"Pilot," the Nebari spoak with relief as they looked up to him. "Are you someone else in my body?"
"What do you mean?" Pilot widend his eyes on her.
"This, is Pilot," Chiana mused as she helped her sit down.
"But, I - " Pilot shook his head. "I am feeling very much aware..."
"Then you have to be from that thing outside," Crichton awed at the second Chiana. "Right? Giant Squid?"
"No, " she tilted her head to one side as she looked into his eyes in wonder. "I - I think perhaps I am -"
"A part of myself that has been displaced," Pilot finished with her as he blinked.
"How is that possible?" Aeryn asked as she frowned at them.
"It can be possible, " Pilot offered as he touched various controls and looked down at his helm. "I have been feeling rather
strange since we came out of starburst. Yes, Moya agrees that this Chiana could very well be part of our combined consious
that was somehow set to one side."
"Right," Crichton sighed heavily as he ran both hands through his hair. "So all we have to do is communicate with this
thing and we can go."
"Are you farbot?" Rygel shouted. "It tried to kill me!"
"But it didn't," Crichton eyed him as he wiped his lips. "It just scared you - and made D'argo think Jothi was nearby.
Aeryn, what were you thinking before it got to you?"
"I thought D'argo had my matrix transformer from my spare parts for my prowler... I was angry."
"But I wasn't thinking of Jothi," D'argo insisted. "I was asleep."
"And I was thinking about eating," Rygel grumbled. "Not being eaten!"
"And you came up with Pilot?" Crichton asked to Chiana.
"I tried to comm him because I didn't wake up where I went to sleep, " she muttered as she cut her eyes away from him.
"Where is Zhaan? She should have come in by now, right?"
"She's in her chambers," Pilot answered.
"We better get her," Crichton sighed as he moved closer to Aeryn again. "We should stick together."
"Well you're going without me!" Rygel snorted. "I'm staying right here!"
"Me - me too," Chiana breathed in deeply as she touched the wall for balance and blinked at the floor. Crichton nodded
in agreeance as he watched her with narrowed eyes.
"I'll stay and watch over them," D'argo stated as he crossed his arms.
"We'll be back in a few," Crichton muttered.
and Aeryn stepped into Zhaans chambers to her medical lab, gaping at what they saw.
Zhaan was in the corner of the room looking down with her arms crossed to her chest. From her shoulders branches had sprouted
and from her robe at her feet roots spilled out over the floor.
"Zhaan?" Crichton aproached her cautiously. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, John," she spoak gently as she seemed to grow taller.
"Zhaan, tell me, what were you doing just before starburst?"
"Meditating." She sighed peacefuly as she raised her head towards the cieling. The roots snaked out further along the floor
as her height grew again. "I am no help to you John, we must leave soon, before it is too late for me."
"You mean, get away from the giant squid?" Crichton shook his head slightly. "Communicate with it?"
"It's trying to pollon. Yes, yes - communicate with its glory. So beautiful..."
"Thank you, Zhaan," Aeryn spoak as she planted her hand on Crichtons shoulder and nudged her head for them to leave.
"Yeah." Crichton shook his head again.
He stopped, snorting to himself as he noticed a very large aquarium that had not been in Zhaans possession before. Inside
it lingered jelly fish and long tubes with brushes that sucked into them when he stepped closer. At the bottom of the tank
bubbles blew out of a sunken plastic ship.
"Are you looking at this?"
"Of course not," Aeryn grumbled. "And neither are you, let's go."
rocked back against Pilots helm, gasping as she threw her hands back to either side of her shoulders and slid down to her
"Chiana!" Crichton called out in alarm as she closed her eyes and turned her head to one side with a groan. D'argo grasped
his arm, shaking his head with a wince of his eyes.
"She said she's having some kind of photo-gasim."
"A photo-gasim?" Crichton raised his brows. "What, you mean like Zhaan?"
"She has been having them for quiet some time," the Nebari Pilot stated as she indicated to Chiana. "Look."
Crichton awed as Chiana litteraly glowed a gold light in a perfect capsule shape around herself. It seemed to shatter and
then was gone.
"Pollon, pollon." Crichton bit his lip and chewed on it. "Zhaan said the sentien was trying to pollon. Maybe we're being
affected by something it's releasing. I want to go back to command and try to talk to it again. Chiana, you okay enough to
come with us?"
Chiana nodded as D'argo helped her up. She held on to him tightly as she swallowed and slowly blinked her eyes.
"I - I think so."
"Where's Rygel?" Aeryn snapped.
"He felt safe with the creature dead," Pilot spoak without looking up from his helm. "So he left to find something to eat."
"That frelling little-"
"Woe," Crichton raised his hand to her. "Cool your jets babe. I think this thing is playing off of our emotions so none
of you get pissed off or scared okay? Whatever it is it's popping up things from us that are real."
"But she's not mine," Chiana glanced from him to the other Nebari. "She's Pilots consious."
"Yeah but in your body," Crichton stated. "And you wanted to talk to Pilot. I don't know, some how this thing whipped up
when Pilot had been in your body, but, photo-gasims?"
"Well it was all I could think of," Chiana darted a warning glance at him. "It's not like - well I was asleep when we starbursted,
but I woke up in Moyas system instead of in my bed. Explain that."
"I'd like to go too," the Nebari Pilot stated gently as she struggled to her feet and wobbled.
"I'd like to see what is going on from your perspective," she and Pilot spoak in unsion. "Is that alright?"
"It's fine Pilot," Crichton nodded and shared a worried look with Aeryn.
groaned as he felt something leap out of himself and stand right in front of him. It looked like a transparent image of Scorpious.
The image looked from left to right and then turned slowly to face him. He smiled at Crichton as he began to disapear.
"What was that?" Aeryn winced her eyes at him as they entered central command with D'argo and both Chianas.
"Uh, just uh," Crichton shook his head, grasping his tempil as he felt the thing leap out of him again and Scorpious appeared.
He smiled viciously on Crichton as he turned.
"Are you having fun?" Scorpious asked. "Why don't you try a frelling aspirin?"
Crichton raised his pulse pistol to Scorpiouses head.
"Crichton!" Aeryn shouted as she grasped his hand and his shot rang off across the room. "Leave him alone!"
"You heard me, what if that is its way of trying to communicate with us? We killed two of them and the other is Pilot,
don't you see the pattern?"
"What about Zhaan? Where's her alternate ego?"
"I didn't claim that I understood it Crichton, I'm just suggesting we should give at least one of them a chance."
"Yeah, but I know this guy, and I don't think he's the same thing as your D'argo was."
Crichton lowered his pistol with a heavy sigh. He pursed his lips as he glared into Scorpious and then punched him across
the face as hard as he could. Scorpious went down and Crichton grasped him, slinging him into the bench at the table.
"Get one thing straight," Crichton glared into him. "What ever that thing is outside, I liked the squid bit allot better
than you."
He looked up as the portal screen blipped to life and showed thier space where thousands of strands wavered.
"You realy liked the squid?" Pilot asked from the clamshell.
"Well, the squid," Crichton blinked slowly. "But not what it was doing. Can you tell me what is going on?"
"We are still trying to maneuver through the strands, they appear to be expansed over an entire sector."
"What," Crichton snorted. "No details? What about the end of the strands Pilot, what's on the other end of them?"
"Moya and I believe that the strands are comming from a creature like this squid which has placed itself inside a worm
"A worm hole?"
"Yes," Pilot blinked from the clamshell as he massive head tilted. "To pollonate."
"What do you mean by pollonate exactly?" The Nebari Pilot asked as D'argo helped them sit down in front of the clamshell.
"And why have you choosen to be Pilot in communications aboard the ship?"
"But - I am Pilot," he seemed perplexed in the view screen.
"Another displacement? Are you still aware of Moya?"
"Yes. Infact, I believe Moya and I are incorporated in our consious with the sentient... you as well."
Crichton closed his eyes as he scratched his forehead, trying not to listen as Chiana groaned to herself and planted her
hands on the table.
"Would - would somebody - please get thi - this overwith?" Chiana struggled to speak as the gold light came around her
again. It was stronger this time, near to the point of blinding out her form completely before it shattered loudly like breaking
She stood with her arms outstreatched, gaping up at the cieling as she began to crumble to the ground. D'argo came to her
swiftly and cradled her into his arms with a growl deep in his throaght.
"What are you doing to her!"
"I thought you understood," Pilot stated. "The polonization is simply in its prossess of an appropriate pairing. Despite
the two deaths and various anomolies there has been wonderful success with Chiana according to my estimates. She will soon
propogate the species."
"I will what?!"
"Woe, woe, woe wait a minuet!" Crichton shood his head as he flailed his arms at the clamshell. "None of us agreed to propogate
your species bud!"
"Don't even think about comming near me!" D'argo snareld. "Let us go, immediatley!"
"I am attempting to pilot us out of the sector D'argo," Pilot spoak calmly. "And you have already shown complications as
much as the others as the creation of an entire planet was too difficult to comply with Moyas current situation."
"What?" Aeryn crossed her brows. "Are you saying we're propogating your species by what ever it is we imagine?"
"We're not going to uh, " Crichton eyed him. "You know, make little squids are we?"
"Non of the seeds look like a squid Crichton, though it was hoped you would propogate one. Still, your Scorpious is pleasing."
"As in, you're going to do something like plant Scorpy and the Chiana Pilot, and grow something like Zhaan sprouting branches
back there?"
"It is far more complicated," Pilot ventured. "But your understanding will suffice."
"So why is Chiana still experiencing these photo-gasims?" Aeryn asked. "And are Pilot and Zhaan going to return to normal?"
"I think so," Pilot shook his head. "As for Chiana-"
"I don't believe this!" Chiana tilted her head as she stood in a stance at the clamshell. "You're choosing me, to propogate
you... instead of Crichton."
"Do what?" Crichton tensed his face as he unfolded his arms.
"Yes," Pilot blinked as one of his pinchers drew to his face. "The Nebari Pilot and Scorpious are satisfactory, but you
seem to have been the most compatable with the pollon. The affect it has on you is the appropriate-"
He paused, tilting his head as Chiana gasped, stepping back as she threw her arms out and gaped up at the cieling.
She groaned deeply to herself as the gold light
surrounded her, blinding to the others this time as she dropped to her knees.
Sensations washed through her she had never even felt before. She cried out, feeling as if she were going to die in them.
She felt as if her entire form was expanding, consumed by the extasy. The light shattered and she felt like the thousands
of pieces elating and sparking through her like an electrical charge traveling through her entire body.
She opend her eyes exhaustivley, setteling them apon a perfect sphere of gold surrounded by a blue flame, hovering just
before her. The others were silent, gaping. Chiana slowly tilted her head to one side as her own lips parted in wonder of
it. She reached out to touch as the golds within the sphere seemed to move and swirl. It felt warm to the touch, soft and
living. A slow smile crossed her face as it moved away and vanished through the wall.
Scorpious got up, helping the other Nebari to her feet. He paused, cutting his eyes to them with a deviant smile on his
"You have prooved a most interesting particle drifting through space, have you not?" He seemed to chuckle as he helped
the Nebari towards the same wall the sphere had gone and disapeared.
Crichton helped Chiana up, the two looking out at the view screen portal together as the strands began to race past them
at a maddening speed. They seemed to suck into a worm hole that imediately closed in on itself with a flash of light.
"Pilot," Aeryn commed as she turned.
"Yes," his voice came back crisply. "Communications are working just fine now."
"Pilot, I would appreciate it if we did not starburst for some time yet. A long time."
"I agree."