John looked up from where he stood with Kholif dumping more things into the capsule. His jaw dropped as Chiana and Chey
came racing out with the other Nebari. Chiana wrapped her in a blanket as Chey settled her to the floor.
"I was afraid of something like that," Kholif sighed as he turned to a wanted beacon and began to play it. After it had
displayed Grayza reporting John and Chiana he looked to them again. "Looks kind of like you two," he stated as John knelt
beside the other Nebari, tilting his head to gaze into her bruised face. "She looked just like her a weeken ago."
John raised himself, aiming his pulse pistol at Kholif.
"Rygle's still in there," Chiana stated as she cut her eyes to him. "They - they got to get out of here."
"Not a problem," John stated flatly without straying his eyes off of Kholif. "We'll take her and Rygle to Moya ourselves."
"She said Moya - something about a wormhole. I don't think - I think it's just her and Rygle."
"There've been no other Leviathan here," Kholif confirmed as he stared back at John with his elbows on his counter. "If
it wasn't for her, you wouldn't even have a pod that usually goes with one."
"They come with us. You're just going to go in there with me and find Rygle, right Kholif?"
"You can't," Chey snatched his shoulder, searching his eyes intently as he chewed on his lower lip. "Think of what you're
saying John. Look at her, look at us! ... just let her go. Give her and Rygle the pod back and let them go."
"We need the pod."
"Frell! The pod!" Chiana cut in tensely. She grabbed the other Chiana, Pip's leathers and slung them into the capsule.
"This is for sale John, how much does he want for it huh? Couple dozen krendars for my - my - her corset, the boots? How much
of a cut is this bastard getting for every frell they're getting from her!" She jerked at her shoulder, thrashing her head
as she let out a sharp screech, sucking in her breath through it.
John stood, slowly stepping towards Kholif with his pistol aimed into his face. "I don't like this," he muttered. "This
is a bad coincidence."
"I don't believe in coincidence," Chey spoke up carefully as she dared closer to him. "We can take his transport he offered
me earlier ..."
"We're not turning Raishen into a taxi cab!" John shouted. "He's not even yellow!"
"What about Chiana!" Chey persisted. "The high realmer can get us another transport pod! He may even help us pay for the
diagnosan for Raishen! How do you plan on our getting out of this moons sector with escaped prisoners and a wanted beacon
over your head? Don't suck her down with us Crichton, she's hurt!"
"I don't do slaves, or bounties," Kholif raised his hands. "I told you it's bad for my reputation, half my business have
bounties. She's no prisoner of mine. I'm just here for trade, you want that girl and her friends freedom, it's none of my
business! Chey has the right idea there though. Take the high realmer, he'll fix all of this, there won't be any escaped prisoners
on your hands and everyone goes free."
"No!" John shouted. "Not only no but hell freaking no! I'm not putting my friends off on some third wheel king pin bull
crap! Don't make me crazy Kholif, you get it? Why is Chiana here, where's Rygle, what are you people trying to pull over on
ole Johnny boy this time!?"
Kholif gaped at him wide eyed as he raised his hands. "She just looked like her, okay? Don't shoot me."
"Why not?" John twisted the pistol in his hand at him as he leaned closer.
Kholif glanced to Chey, his eyes pleading for help as he didn't dare move.
"Because, hm'mm" Chey cleared her throat slightly as she lowered her head, glancing to John. "He has - toilet paper."
John swung around to her, aiming the pulse pistol at her. "Don't patronize me missy."
Chey crossed her eyes briefly as she kneeled to the two Chiana's on the floor. "He won't tell us where it is if you shoot
The Chiana she knew chuckled, almost manicly as she glared up at John beneath her brows. Kholif sighed, his shoulders sagging
with relief as John came to the girls, helping hold the wounded Chiana, Pip.
"Chiana," he whispered into her neck. "Yo Pip, wake up sunshine. Just for a tiny little bit. Can you hear me in there?"
"John," she barely opened her eyes as he cradled her.
"You're just having a really bad dream," he muttered softly. "Actually I'm - where am I?"
"Burial space," Pip muttered, closing her eyes as she turned her face away from Chey trying to put a salve on her darkly
bruised cheek, pushing her hand away weakly. She tried to raise up out of John's arms, moaning in fear as he held her firmly
but gently. "Nnnnn! N-n-no - no more. Please. Please ...!"
"Shhh," he took her hands, drawing them to her chest as he rocked with her. "We're just helping. You're safe now, it's
all over. No more bad guys, I promise. No more bad guys."
Pip nodded slightly, her eyes barely opening again, meeting into the other Chiana's eyes who was on her knees at her feet.
Chey glanced to her as well, wondering if the twin recognized the Chiana she knew but she was hiding most of her face away
within the long strands of her dirty bangs, trying to keep her gaze on the wounded Chi at the same time.
"Pip, what burial space?"
"Leviathan ..." Pip closed her eyes again, wincing as she pressed her back against John, this time accepting a small amount
of liquid from a vile Chey brought to her mouth. "It's sacred - went to bury Talyn there. Y-you'll be there ...?"
"Never left it," he smiled as he brushed his hand over her brow, caressing her forehead gently. "It's gonna be alright
now. Just think about kicking my ass, it'll get you there sooner."
She barely nodded again as she drifted back into sleep.
"I'll take her to the pod," John stated as he motioned Chey to help him. "Chi, you watch Kholif, don't let him go anywhere."
Chiana jumped up, glaring into Kholif as she crouched on her haunches on his counter, resting on one hand. "You wanted
me to see, didn't you ..." she swayed, rocking in place with her lips drawn apart as she searched his eyes.
"Frelling door is wide open!"
Chiana jumped down to Kholif, kneeling at his feet as the man who shouted entered the shop with several others.
"Kholif! I thought we told you to keep your frelling section locked up!"
Chiana looked to a large pulse rifle on the shelf in front of her. She smiled, drawing her tongue across her upper teeth
as she picked it up, laying down as she aimed it into Kholif's crotch. He sucked in his breath as he raised his hands in surrender
and then quickly lowered them. "Ah! Oh frell! Hezmana, I told you bunch of creeps to stop sneaking into my half of it to use
my stuff! It isn't free you know, you got a tab going and everything I'm missing is on it!"
"The Nebari escaped, did you see her?"
"Try that way, get the frell out of my shop!"
Chiana listened carefully for their footsteps, peering up only when she thought they were gone by a few good microts.
"Where you going?" Kholif asked as Chiana began to move around the counter with the rifle.
"I'm gonna free Rygle."
"You can't go with that thing! Put it down."
She tocked her head slightly as she looked to a much larger weapon on the wall. "You're right," she chuckled as she tossed
the rifle and strapped the larger arsenal to her. She leaned back with its weight mostly on her hip, groaning as she struggled
to hold her balance and step into the passageways of cells.
John brought Pip to the pod, laying her down as Chey followed in. "How are we going to do this? We have no transport of
our own again."
John wiped his face, kneeling over Pip as he touched the tender bruise that covered half her cheek. It seemed like her
cheekbone must have been broken. "This old man, he played one. He played nick nack on my drum ... with a nick nack - patty
whack, give'a dog a bone ... this old man came rolling home ..."
"We can take the ..."
"She could take us," John interrupted as he studied Pip's face. "Right to Moya."
Chey came to his side, pulling the blanket closer around Pip. "It sounds like her crew is scattered up. Crichton ... the
pod, it's still configured to Raishen. We can catch up with her using it as our homing beacon. They should think we are all
on Raishen, chase us while she gets away. Is there something wrong with you that you can't agree?"
"You got some great plan cooking, Calamity Jane?"
She shook her head as she met his eyes.
"Just hang with her until we come back with Rygle," John's eyes softened on her as he clasped her shoulder, pushing himself
up with it as he turned to leave. "Uh ..."
"Stand where you are!" The man shouted as he stepped into the pod with two others.
"Oh," John winced his eyes as he pulled Wynona and began to fire. Chey quickly grabbed Pip, dragging her into the cargo
bay of the pod when its hatch slipped open. Chey looked to it wide eyed as she crouched with Pip in her arms. She glanced
around herself desperately as two more men stepped inside. She saw a pulse pistol and lunged for it, yanking it up to the
first mans chest level. He froze, slapping the second man in the chest to stop his advance. He smiled then as she heard screams
coming from the pods helm that sounded like John.
"Pull the trigger, or put it down."
Chey twisted her face into a dark scowl as she fired, hitting everywhere but the two men.
Chiana walked through the cells again, searching for Rygle and for her clones captors. It probably wasn't the wisest thing
to do at this point but she didn't care. John had always tried to show her about trust. She trusted him, even when he was
ranting at Moya's walls or becoming Harvey. But even in not being the real John, the Crichton on Moya, it seemed like he was
just learning the harder lessons of betrayal she had already been through a few dozen times before him ... and she was younger.
It was all so mixed up, everything so frelled. At least it was better now that she had ditched her comms for good. The
whispering had stopped, at least for now while she wasn't on Raishen and the - those crunchy things. She tocked her head as
she tried to remember if they were real or she was just seeing things again. It was getting more and more difficult to find
the moments of clarity. Sometimes it felt like a tidal wave. Everything would wash out, only to come back again like a black
sea filled with turmoil and debris. In it she could remember flashes of Rhovu and the Kreshure, the Zariag. The only thing
she couldn't really remember was being dead ...
"Help me!"
No great lights, none of the things Zhaan always hinted at. Though she thought ... maybe she did believe she was flying
somewhere ...
She heard footsteps rushing towards her. She whirled around, gasping in her breath sharply as she tried to keep the massive
arsenal held up. Her eyes flew open wildly at the empty hall behind her. She began to back up, stepping side ways to keep
a clear view of both ends of the hall until she came to a crossing one. Something rushed out at her, she caught only a glimpse
of a shadow. She cried out as she fired. The practically cannon knocked her back against the wall as she blew a hole through
a cell into the next cell down. She blew at the dust in her face, spitting it out of her mouth, shaking it out of her hair.
"Is there someone there!?" She heard Rygle shriek. "Help! Get me the frell out of here! I'll pay anything!"
She lunged forward, stepping quickly as the weight of the small cannon pulled her forward.
"Yotza!" Rygle gasped as he came to the bars of his cell. "Chiana! Get me out of here!"
"Yeah," she nodded sharply, more dust flying from her hair as she tried to swing the cannon around. "Yaaaaaaaaa!" She fired,
the arsenal kicking her off of her feet as it blasted through the cell bars, twisting and melting them as it punched a massive
hole through the thick wall. Rygle sucked in his breath as his body froze, his eyes flying open like round saucers as he fell
over on his back.
"Rygle!" She shouted as she scrambled to her feet, half dragging the cannon with her as she stuck her hand through the
twisted metal. She picked Rygle up by his foot and shook him. "Rygle stop frelling around!"
"What in frelling hezmana!"
Chiana struggled to get out of the straps of the arsenal at the sound of the mans voice. She took some of the explosives
out of the side of it and dipped into Rygle's cell as they rushed forward, scrambling through the hole in the wall.
"What the - grab the Hynerian, search the cell block!"
Chiana slipped through the twisted bars of the next cell, smiling broadly to herself as she rounded the corner and came
up behind the men. She followed behind them closely as they carried Rygle, Chey and the other Chiana, Pip.
"Didn't you hear all that?" One of the men protested as he stepped into a large room, throwing Rygle across it where his
small body bounced against the wall and rolled into a corner.
"Hear what?" The guard at the table asked as the other two men dropped Chey and Pip on the floor at his feet.
"Where'd this one come from?"
"She was trying to get away you idiot. Who the frell was it that blew the cells up?"
"Well it wasn't me!" He protested.
"Get off your deaf ass and go help the others look!" One of them snapped as he grabbed the man by his hair and yanked him
out of his seat, kicking him as he went stumbling for the door. Chiana pressed her back against the wall, watching the guard
wide eyed as he spilled out in a floodgate of curses. She tilted her head as he whirled around to flail his verbal assault
on the other men inside. She pursed her lips, not keeping her eyes off his back as she flipped the activation device on the
explosive in her hand and dropped it into his back pocket.
"And you just keep your hands off them till I get back!" He shouted in final as he bounded out.
She pressed the side of her face against the wall as the explosion went off farther down the cells like a thunder crack.
The rest of the men came rushing out of the room. Chiana slipped inside, resting her back and hands against the wall as she
stared down at Chey and Pip on the floor.
Pip was getting up, holding the side of her head as she looked around. She crawled to Rygle, gaping at him as she began
to massage his earbrow with her thumb.
"Are we free?" Rygle gasped as his eyes flew open. "Did we escape?"
"Get going!" Chiana rasped harshly as she pulled away from the wall and tried to force Chey to stand. "Get back to the
transport pod!"
"You frellers don't move!"
Chey stood, wobbling as she tried to figure out what was going on. She turned wide eyed to the guard standing in the door
way. He snatched her, pulling her to him. She tried to struggle out of his grasp when she felt someone shove her hard, knocking
her and the guard against the wall. The same hands whirled her around. She gaped at Chiana who had her by her arms, looking
into her eyes wildly. It was the Chiana she knew but if her hair was only a little different she would be a splitting image
to the one who was still on the floor with the Hynerian.
"Get out of here," Chiana said to her in a low but commanding tone. "Take - take them to the pod. Go with them if you have
"But ..." Chey gaped at her, wide eyed as she shook her head. She heard a low growl escape from her as she yanked her forward.
Chey reached out quickly at the table coming for her, slamming her hands down on it as the edge caught her smartly in the
hip. She turned, her gaze meeting Chiana who was holding the Hynerian hooked into one arm. She creased her brows, unsure of
which one she was for a brief moment but the Chiana from Moya had stranding hair. The differences were so subtle. In her eyes
she seemed more sure, more collected, just scared.
Chey turned at the sound of a dark hiss. The Chiana she knew was in the grasp of the guard, struggeling with him as he
held her from behind. She threw something toward them. The one holding Rygle caught it, aiming the guards pulse pistol at
both of them.
Chey felt like the one holding Rygle was just as unnerved as she was as the Chiana being held by the guard let out a sinister
chuckle, glaring on Pip. "You taaaake Chey - take her with you."
"I-I-I," Pip stammered nervously, trying to search Chiana's face. It seemed to Chey like she could almost recognize her
now but the Chiana she knew turned most of her face to the guards chest to hide her likeness.
"Frelling yotz!" Rygle shouted. "Would someone move!"
Chey didn't resist as Pip grabbed her by her arm but she didn't stray her eyes from her Chiana in the guards grasp. It
could be the last time she ever saw her again.
Chiana's gaze followed them. She smiled darkly as the guard jerked her back, watching the last of Pip and Chey bolt out
the door. "She's got a bad habit of that."
"Her mistake," the guard snapped as he forced her towards the door. "We'll have them back in a few microts."
"Why worry about them," Chiana pushed back at him, raising her face to his neck. "C'mon, let them go. Everyone's just running
around right? We could have a little talk - while they're busy."
The guard snorted as he turned with her, shoving her at the table. "You've no idea what you've gotten yourself into," he
stated coldly as he released the small prod from his belt and jammed it into her back. He activated it. Chiana choked in her
scream as she writhed from the electric current.
"Wait!" Pip shouted, dropping Rygle as she came to a crouch within the shop in front of Chey's capsule. She grabbed up
her leathers, standing with them.
"Let's get moving!" Rygle shouted. "We don't have any frelling time for you to look around this dump! Have you gone fharbot!?"
"I can't just leave this dump naked!" Pip shouted back at him as she forced her feet hurriedly into her boots. "Where's
your throne?"
"It's ..." Rygle gasped as he looked to Kholif. "YOU! Where the frell is my sled throne you spineless little worm!"
Kholif opened a drawer, taking the sled throne out of it as someone stepped out into the walkway from above.
"Hide!" Pip shouted as she ducked into a rack of coats, pulling Chey in with her. Rygle ran to his throne, pushing it under
the counter with him.
John came down the steps into the shop, whistling to himself as he picked out a few weapons along the wall for himself.
He opened a small case, taking a few charkan oil cartridges before heading into the passages of the cell blocks in a casual
nonchalant manner.
Pip poked her head back out, wide eyed as she tried to hold her pistol on the entrance way and pull her shirt over her
head at the same time.
"Why don't we just go back?" Rygle asked. "With that frelling frag cannon you had earlier. We can turn the tables on them,
you just hold them down, I'll use the prod." He chuckled as he hopped into his thronesled, narrowing his eyes darkly as his
earbrows flew up.
"Just get moving!" Pip snarled as she moved towards him in a low crouch and then dodged for the stairs.
John spun around a corner of the passages, holding out two pulse pistols. He eased down the empty hall, making his way
to muffled talking. He stood in the doorway to the room, glancing at the men who were gathered at one corner, talking about
the explosions and perimeter searches. He stepped quietly up to the table, looking down at Chiana who was leaned over it,
and then up at the man who was thrusting himself into her. He got on his knees, resting a pulse pistol in his hand in front
of Chiana's face as he glanced up at the man.
"You having any trouble with this guy, Chi?"
Chiana barely opened her eyes, staring at John distantly as she drew her hand up to his pistol. "John."
"Hmmm, 'fraid not dear," he smiled as he tapped the top of her hand with the pistol. "He's still dreaming tweety birds
from the transport pod ambush. What I need to know," he tilted his head as he drew the pistol down her forearm. "Is if I have
the correct Chiana."
"You ba-as ..." she winced, flinching as the man on top of her grabbed her by her hair, holding her head down as he began
to shove harder against her.
"Does that hurt?" John asked with a gentleman's inquisitiveness as he adjusted himself, running the end of the pulse pistol
down the bridge of her nose. "Two Chiana's, answer correctly ... and we'll just be along our way ..."
"B-b-back to Moya," she breathed as she forced her eyes open again, staring at him pleadingly. "John, just get me out of
here okay? I swear it's me, I swear ..."
"Cross your heart?" He asked as he searched her eyes, narrowing his own as the man over her pressed his forehead into her
back, groaning as the table barked from his pressing against her.
"Just get this bastard off of me," she pleaded as tears welled into her eyes. "John, please. Let's just get back to Moya.
Rygle - me, you and Rygle. Yeah ..."
"It'd be pretty nasty if I shot him right now," John reflected as he pressed the pistol against the mans head.
"No!" Chiana shouted, throwing her forearm into her face with her fist clenched as John stood.
John took the prod off the table, jabbing it into the man's side and activated it. He and Chiana both screamed, the man
collapsing to the floor.
"You stupid frell!" The man shouted as he jerked to his feet. "I wasn't done!"
"You are now," John commented lightly as he shot his pistol, firing into the mans crotch. He smiled smoothly as he turned
to the other men franticly trying to get out of the way and get to their weapons at the same time.
"Shoot first!" He shouted firing at every person that moved. The men in the room scattered and fell, only a few shots managed
to get off from them. John blew on the ends of his pistols when no one was left moving. He settled his gaze on Chiana. "Ask
questions later."
He sighed to himself as she slipped to the floor and pulled herself into a corner, eyeing him from the corners of her eyes.
"So, which Chiana are you?"
"The - the - the only one," she stammered as she brought the fingertips of one hand to the corner of her brow and tapped
it as she struggled to gain her knees. "Rrrrrygle - Rygle, he got away. He - he's in the - the pod, by now. He's - going to
t-t-to leave without us ... for Mmmmoya ..."
"We'll catch up with him," he spoke confidently as he came to her with one of the guards coats. He wrapped her in it, hoisting
her up over his shoulder.
He carried her through the shop up to the landing pad, pausing with her as he watched the transport pod flying away. He
sighed, turning his attention to a large, egg-shaped ship.
"We can't take this," Chiana protested as he sat her in the copilot seat next to his own and began to power it up. "This
is someone else's cargo shuttle."
"Chi, not steal?" he wondered lightly as he lifted the ship off the pad and out.
"Nn-bu-but our supplies," she turned in her seat as she wiped at her burning tears.
Chiana followed John out of the transport and into Raishen's docking bay with a grave reluctance. She barely felt the will
to move until her knees finally gave way from her. She dropped to them, staring distantly on the floor, unseeing from the
stinging tears in her eyes. "Pilot, the pod. Is it getting away?"
"Yes, it is," Pilot spoke up through a clamshell not far off from her. "I take it John is being Harvey again?"
Chiana nodded as she began to tremble, pulling the coat closer into herself. She wiped her face again as she turned her
cheek closer to her shoulder. "Starburst Pilot ..."
"I'm sorry," Pilot stated in a louder tone. "But I cannot starburst while a ship is in Raishen's docking web. I will be
able to once it has cleared the hatchway."
"Wrong, wrong, wrong!" John protested as he stormed back towards the docking bay. "We're not taking any passengers Pilot!
What part of that didn't anyone understand!?"
John stood ready with his pulse pistol as a second egg-shaped cargo shuttle began to land. He walked towards it as the
hatch opened, readying his aim when Chaelsmond came out, trying to drag the capsule of their supplies behind her.
"Well, well, well," he smiled coolly as he rested his aim on her chest. "Now why would you of all people miss her grand
escape? Or is it, that you will only see us in a few more arns when this Chiana takes us to Moya? I realize the loss of ones
hope can do peculiar things to people but - this. You aren't making any sense Chey, and that doesn't sound like you."
"Harvey," Chey licked her lips as she glanced from him to Chiana and back. "Chiana and Rygle got away ..."
John turned slightly, aiming the pistol on Chiana. She gaped at him, wide eyed as she flinched.
"Clever," he narrowed his eyes as he steadied the aim. "Much too clever. Do you mean to tell me this is not the Chiana
who's been on Moya?"
"Ohh-of course, it is," Chey nodded slightly, looking to Chiana beneath her bangs. "That's why we can take Raishen to the
diagnosan first, we can track the pod ... and we have Moya's Chiana."
He considered her words for long moments, lowering the pistol slowly as he walked up to Chiana. He grabbed her arm, forcing
her to stand. She turned her face away from him, avoiding his eyes.
"Mmmm," he smiled as he pulled her closer into him and licked his tongue up her neck. "You lock her up then ..."
Chey stared, watching him leave the bay as the rumble of starburst shook the hull around her and beneath her feet. The
jostle brought Chiana to her knees again as the brilliant flash of the starburst light filled the bay. She stood again in
half crouch, her lips parting as she stared disbelievingly on Chey.
"Just let him think you are for a while," Chey half smiled as she scratched her head and then sighed heavily, relaxing
her shoulders.
"Wh-wh," Chiana rounded her shoulder with a slight tock of her head as she motioned at her. "I mean ... why ..."
Chey lowered her head as she approached her. She lifted her gaze up to her eyes with a solemn expression, her hand sliding
up along Chiana's cheek to the side of her face. Chiana closed her eyes and turned her face to her hand, trembling as she
pressed her lips against Chey's wrist.